The .WIEN Advisory Board
The Domain Advisory Board supports the management of GmbH in the development and handling of the basic allocation guidelines.
The .wien Domain Advisory Board acts as a strategic committee consisting of experts and representatives of Internet users, registrars/providers, the City of Vienna, tourism and the economy. This ensures a balance of interests and a formal decoupling from the exclusive provisions of GmbH for the allocation of domain names.
The Members
Ass.Prof. Mag. Dr. Dieter Scharitzer
Institut for Marketing-Management, WU Wien
Mag. Erwin Kadlik
Press- and Information Service, City of Vienna
Mag. Karl Pauer
Divisional Director for Legal Affairs, City of Vienna
Mag. Andrea Kostner
Future Business & New Technologies, Vienna Tourist Office
Mag. Gabriele Zgubic-Engleder
Head of Consumer Policy, Vienna Chamber of Labour
Dr. Markus Kichl
CEO punkt Tirol GmbH
Mag. Andrea Blum
Managing Director RyCE GmbH
§1 Nature
The Domain Advisory Board advises the Foundation's Board of Directors on fundamental issues relating to the organisation of Internet domain allocation in accordance with Article 12 of the deed of foundation of the Internet Private Foundation Austria.
§2 Appointment
The members of the domain name council shall be appointed by the board of trustees upon recommendation of the foundation board. The members shall represent a representative cross-section of the Austrian Internet community, whereby international experts shall also be consulted. The domain name council can also invite experts to its meetings.
The term of office is 2 years, reappointment is possible.
A member is appointed as a person. The right to vote may be delegated to other members of the Domain Name Council by notifying the chair.
§3 Chairman
The domain name council elects a chairman and a deputy chairman from among its members. Election shall be by simple majority of the votes cast. The duties of the chairperson, and of the deputy chairperson if the chairperson is unable to attend, shall include: a) convening meetings b) proposing the agenda c) chairing meetings d) authorising persons to provide information e) responsibility for the proper preparation of communiqués and minutes f) representing the Domain Name Council vis-à-vis the Foundation.
§4 Meetings
The Domain Name Council shall hold at least 2 meetings per year.
The invitation and proposed agenda can also be sent by e-mail; a lead time of at least two weeks should be aimed for. Each member of the Domain Name Council may propose items for the agenda.
At least two members of the Domain Name Council may independently request the Chairperson to convene a meeting. The Foundation Board, the Foundation Council and the management of GmbH have the right to participate in the meetings.
§5 Resolutions and protocols
The presence of at least half of the members of the Domain Name Council shall constitute a quorum. Presence by means of telecommunication shall be deemed to be presence.
Decisions shall be taken by simple majority. Abstentions are allowed. Minutes shall be kept of the meetings and sessions of the domain name council, containing at least the names of the council members present, the votes cast, the resolutions adopted and, in the case of non-unanimous resolutions, the proportions of the votes, and communiqués summarising the main points of the meetings held. Outvoted members of the Council shall have the right to express their dissent in writing for inclusion in the minutes. The draft minutes shall be sent electronically by the Chairperson to all members of the Advisory Forum within one week; they may object to the draft minutes within 14 days, otherwise they shall be deemed to have been approved. The approved minutes and any resolutions adopted by the domain name advisory board by way of circulation shall be brought to the attention of the foundation board and the foundation council. Resolutions of the Domain Name Council are recommendations to the Foundation Board. Resolutions of the Domain Name Council and approved communiqués are public and shall be published electronically in an appropriate form, unless the Domain Name Council decides otherwise in individual cases.
§6 Amendments
Amendments to these Rules of Procedure by resolution of the Domain Name Council are only possible if at least two thirds of all members of the Domain Name Council are present and with a two-thirds majority of all votes, subject to approval by the Foundation Council.
§7 Entry into force
The Rules of Procedure shall enter into force immediately upon their unanimous approval by the Domain Name Council with the authorisation of the Foundation Council. All members of the Domain Name Council shall sign a copy of these Rules of Procedure to confirm that they have taken note of them. If a new member of the Domain Name Council is appointed, he/she shall be informed immediately of the Rules of Procedure in force.
1. Meeting on 14 June 2013: Constituent meeting of the .wien Advisory Board
- Rules of procedure and election of the Chairman
- ICANN application process and status quo
- .wien launch (phases, prices, marketing)
- Miscellaneous
2. Meeting on 14 October 2013
- Status update on the application to ICANN
- Presentation of the ".wien Launch Program" for the launch of the TLD
- Presentation of the planned marketing activities
- Miscellaneous
3. Meeting on 10 February 2014
- Status report .wien - Milestones achieved
- Update on the ".wien Launch Program"
- Start of the .wien backup phase on February 11, 2014:
Information on registrars and marketing activities - Miscellaneous
4. Meeting on 21 Juli 2014
- Summary of the 3 allocation phases of .wien
(backup phase, competition phase, open registration) - Domain names in the public interest
Allocation/assignment of public domains - Miscellaneous
5. Meeting on 25 November 2014
- Development .wien/Facts, figures
- Handling/resolution of name collision
- Marketing actions/planning 2015
- Sweepstakes honor
6. Meeting on 01 July 2015
- Development .vienna/Facts & Figures
- Two-character Second-level Domains
- Auctions
- Marketing campaigns 2015
- Miscellaneous
7. Meeting on 21 June 2016
- Development .wien/Figures&Facts
- Premium domains
- Cooperations
- Marketing campaigns 2016
- Miscellaneous
8. Meeting on 04 July 2017
- Development .wien/Facts&Figures
- Premium domains
- Marketing & Cooperations
- GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation
- Miscellaneous
9. Meeting on 06 July 2018
- Development .wien/Figures&Facts
- Price adaptation
- GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation
- Miscellaneous
10. Meeting on 06 June 2019
- .wien - Facts & Figures
- Registrars: Sales development
- Marketing campaigns
- International geo Top Level Domains
- Miscellaneous
11. Meeting on 10 November 2020
via Zoom
- .wien - Facts & Figures
- Premium Domains
- International development
- Cross-media presence
- .wien in the cityscape
- Miscellaneous
12. Meeting on 13 October 2021
- .wien - Facts & Figures
- International development - Domain Name Abuse
- geoTLDs - (not) a product for the mass market?
- Marketing campaigns
- Miscellaneous
Presentation on the 13th Domain Name Council in September 2022
sent by mail
- .wien - Facts & Figures
- DNS Abuse - International Development
- geoTLD Group - Current actions
- .WIENer in the cityscape
Presentation on the 14th Domain Name Council in September 2023
sent by mail
- .wien - Facts & Figures
- DuM-Development
- Premium-Domains
- Registrars
- .WIENer in the City