What comes next..
Intensive preparations for the realisation of the English version of our top-level domain began in 2025 - .vienna is scheduled to be launched in 2026.
The .WIEN domain extension has been around for over 10 years and is now a familiar part of the Vienna cityscape. Find out what has happened since 2011.
Intensive preparations for the realisation of the English version of our top-level domain began in 2025 - .vienna is scheduled to be launched in 2026.
The Brand Safety Alliance (BSA) launches its service for brand owners to protect their online identity. punkt.wien GmbH is one of the first TLDs to offer this block service.
After 10 successful years, the contract with ICANN will be extended for another 10 years. punkt.wien GmbH continues to be the official registry operator of .WIEN.
More and more Viennese companies, organisations and private individuals are using .wien domains to show their connection to the city on the Internet.
We are delighted that there are already 16,000 .wien registrations!
.wien is switching to the technical backend provider RyCE.
RyCE GmbH, based in Vienna, was founded in April 2017 by Domain Group GmbH - to which punkt.wien GmbH also belongs - and DNS Africa Ltd.
punkt.wien GmbH is one of the founding members of the geoTLD.group.
This interest group for geoTLDs at ICANN was founded by a group of companies and organisations involved in the development and administration of geographic top-level domains (geoTLDs).
Until then, particularly valuable domains were only allocated directly via punkt.wien GmbH. Since 2016, these premium domains can now be easily registered via registrars like all other .wien domains.
On 15 June 2014, the time has finally come - everyone can register their .wien domain with the registrar of their choice. Since the start of the open availability, domains have been available to everyone on a first come / first served basis.
During the landrush/competition phase, domain requests are collected, whereby no special requirements need to be met. As in the sunrise phase, multiple requests are also resolved by auction in this phase.
Submission Deadline: 02.06.2014 – 02.07.2014
Allocation of Domains: Juli 2014
City Councillor Christian Oxonitsch (2nd from left) and the managing directors of punkt.wien GmbH give the official go-ahead for the .wien TLD at a press conference in Vienna City Hall.
The allocation of .wien domains starts with the sunrise phase. During this phase, trademark owners can apply for their domains by means of a TMCH entry or by providing proof of trademark rights. Multiple requests will be allocated by auction at the end of the phase.
Submission Deadline: 11.02.2014 – 30.04.2014
Allocation of Domains: Mai 2014
In cooperation with the registry service provider TLDBox, the pre-delegation test (PDT) to confirm technical competence has been successfully completed. Nothing now stands in the way of the start of the first allocation phase.
The .wien Domain Advisory Board acts as a strategic committee consisting of experts and representatives of Internet users, registrars/providers, the City of Vienna, tourism and business. You can find more information about our advisory board here.
The order in which the new top-level domains can go online is determined by ICANN in a draw. In Los Angeles, it was decided which new TLDs could be launched first - .wien was given the starting number 431.
ICANN has officially announced the Contracting Invitation Request (CIR) - the start of the contract phase with .wien - after the initial evaluation was completed. The process of registering the .wien top-level domain will continue.
The licence agreement between the City of Vienna and punkt.wien GmbH for the operation of the top-level domain .wien is signed. Since then punkt.wien GmbH is officially responsible for sales and marketing.
punkt.wien GmbH submitted the expression of interest to the City of Vienna and emerged as the winner of the City of Vienna's search for interested parties following a unanimous decision by the responsible municipal council committee.
In 2011, the City of Vienna launched a search for interested parties to manage and market the .wien top-level domain.
The introduction of the .wien domain was seen as an innovative measure to make the city more visible digitally and to strengthen Vienna's identity both locally and globally.